Thursday, February 28, 2019

The best boxing combinations

If you are a beginner, boxing combinations among other things, are some skills that you must master.

It’s required of you to master some basic combinations to win any fight either in training or during a professional match.

 You must have seen some professionals throwing punches to the whirlwind.

They aren’t just doing it for fun.
They are trying to master and improve on a boxing combination.

You will learn a few simple and basic boxing combinations that are very effective as you keep reading.


This is basically the first boxing combination that every beginner should learn.

 You have probably done this combination unknown to you even before you started boxing.

The fast jab will help you catch your opponent off guard while you use the right cross to punch his head. This simple boxing combination can actually win you a fight if you master it.


This combination aims at tricking your opponent.

 Your challenger may just be expecting a 1-2 meanwhile you can use the second jab to strike his head.

You can also use this boxing combination if you feel that your challenger wants to counter. 1-1-2 can also help you open up your challengers defense.


This boxing combination is quite interesting.

When you shift your weight, it causes the right hand to set in the left hook up.

 With this combination, your aim should be the jaw of your opponent. Frankly, this combination is quite dangerous if it gets your opponent.


What you have here is a combination of Jab-Cross-Hook-Cross.

It could also be interpreted as throwing LEFT plus RIGHT plus LEFT plus RIGHT punches.

 The jab breaks your opponent's defense.

 As soon as the opponent’s defense is open, you can hit with three power punches. You need to practice more to effectively use this boxing combination.


The simple interpretation is Jab plus Cross plus Left uppercut plus Cross.

 With this combination, you can knock your opponent out. The left uppercut will definitely come as a surprise to your opponent.

The left uppercut will help you pop your opponent’s head off so that you can chop it off with your right hand.


Simply put Jab plus Right uppercut plus left hook and a Right hand.

If you start with the usual 1-2 combination, your opponent can easily predict your next move.

 Try aiming the right uppercut to trick your opponent, then use the left hook  and finish with a right hand.

 However, you must be careful because this move will expose your head to jabs. So ensure that you are not predictable when trying out this combination.


It is a combination of Right cross plus Left hook and Right cross. Most often, it is very difficult to set up an entire combination.

 This box combination will be very useful if you have a very aggressive opponent.

Just drop a right hand on him, follow it with a left hook and a right hand finish. This combination is very effective at close range.

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Checkout this video to learn the best combos.

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